Work in Parliament Relatório para a Simplificação dos Programas de Ciência e Inovação aprovado por maioria

Highlights | 30-09-2010

The Report on the simplification of rules of participation of current and future European Programmes for Science and Innovation, authored by the PSD MEP Maria da Graca Carvalho,  was voted on today in the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

The Report was adopted by an overwhelming majority with the support of all political groups with one abstention and one vote against.

This report will redefine the rules of participation not only in the current Research Framework Programme (52 billion euros) but also for all other future programmes of Science and Innovation in order to facilitate participation and raise implementation rates. Presently the rules are very complex. This report will guide participation in current and future programs after 2013.

Maria da Graca Carvalho stated that "in the 6th FP, 4400 proposals were submitted with Portuguese partners, coming in 13th place interms of the number of proposals submitted in Europe, but the success rate was lower than the rest of the EU, leaving proposals with Portuguese partners in the 18th position.  This is something that shows that the participation rules are too complex. " She adds that with simpler rules "we could have had more greater success."

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