Atividade Parlamentar Proposta de regulamento que altera os Regulamentos (UE) 2019/943 e (UE) 2019/942, bem como as Diretivas (UE) 2018/2001 e (UE) 2019/944 para melhorar a conceção do mercado da eletricidade da União (EMD)

Relatório: Configuração do Mercado da Electricidade | 22-12-2023

The EU’s internal energy market delivers huge gains and growth across Europe, but the current rules have some flaws that have contributed to price shocks leading to tripling or even quadrupling energy bills. With the new rules, we want to make the energy bills of consumers and businesses less dependent on short-term price fluctuations. Consumers will have better access to stable, low-cost, and clean energy. In addition, the conditions to attract energy investment were also reinforced, notably through the strengthening of contracts for difference and power purchase agreements. 

 As EPP rapporteur for the Electricity Market Design, I am delighted to present this outcome.

Following the informal trilogue between the representatives of the three institutions held on December 22, 2023, in the European Parliament regarding the Regulation of the subject, the draft compromise text was agreed upon by the Permanent Representatives Committee. 

Consult the PDF file of the draft compromise. 
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