Atividade Parlamentar 1st Aviesan meeting

Reuniões | 13-04-2011

Mariad da Graça Carvalho was invited by Professor André Syrota, President of Aviesan and Professor Patrick Netter, Vice President of Aviesan, to the 1st AVIESAN meeting organized in Brussels. The objective was to present Aviesan and illustrate the efficient role it plays when defining common positions in ERA.

France's top public stakeholders in research in the area of Life Sciences and Health (the CEA, CHRU, CNRS, CPU, INRA, INRIA, INSERM, INSTITUT PASTEUR and IRD) have decided to join forces and set up Aviesan, the French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health. The objective of Aviesan is to give national strategic and planning capabilities making France more attractive to industry and R&D economic players.

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