Atividade Parlamentar COST meeting on 'Networks of Science and Technology'

Reuniões | 18-10-2011

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the breakfast meeting related to the COST exhibition 'Networks of Science and Technology' which Pilar del Castillo, MEP is hosting at the European Parliament in Brussels from 18 to 20 October 2011.

During the meeting, COST highlighted its role in linking and maximising science, research and technology through collaborative, bottom-up networks across Europe by supporting research mobility and enabling scientists to relay the benefits of their work back into society.

Dr. Ángeles Rodríguez-Peña, President of the COST Committee for Senior Officials, briefly presented the future strategy for COST and Dr. Monica Dietl, COST Office Director, presented the benefits of networking in order to avoid duplication of efforts and increase innovation efficiency. 

COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology - is one of the longest-running European instruments supporting cooperation among scientists and researchers across Europe. COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level.

The breakfast meeting took place in the European Parliament. The meeting started with a short introduction by COST which was followed by an open debate and exchange of views with MEPs.

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