Atividade Parlamentar Meeting with the President of University College Dublin and a representative of ISC

Reuniões | 21-02-2013

Maria da Graça Carvalho held a meeting in her office at the European Parliament with Dr Hugh Brady, President of University College Dublin, which is the largest university in Ireland and Declan Kirrane of ISC Intelligence in Science

The aim of the meeting was the discussion of the conference "EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration" which will be held in the European Parliament in March in the context of the Irish Council Presidency. The event will count with the participation of Maria da Graça Carvalho, who will host some of the workshops.

During the meeting they exchanged ideas on exploring how best to an advance a European initiative which will be a key theme of the conference - specifically, a 50 year roadmap for research and development in the biological and medical sciences. This comes in the context of the Irish Council Presidency but naturally we hope that this

The European Parliament will host a five-day conference on "EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration" (ES:GC2), starting on March 4th, 2013, in Brussels. The conference will bring together science policymakers, scientists and industry representatives from 100 different countries and will place EU research at the centre of the international response to global challenges. It will be convened by ISC - Intelligence in Science, in association with the Irish Council Presidency and in conjunction with some Members of the European Parliament.

The core focus of ES:GC2 will be primarily on Horizon 2020, the EU's funding instrument for collaborative research and innovation beyond 2014, which seeks to provide both increased funding and enhanced ease of participation compared to its predecessor, FP7. The aim of the conference is to encourage worldwide collaboration in science and to explore how Horizon 2020 can enable an effective scientific response to global challenges. This conference will also provide an environment to build new partnerships with the view to increase international participation in Horizon 2020.

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